Monday, September 29, 2008

Save the Lives of Malnourished Children

.Hunger and malnutrition kills thousands of lives all over the world. Just like food arises many people were suffering into hunger. I have a great sympathy to those people who are suffering hunger and malnutrition.
It is good that there is Medical Corps, which has ability to save the lives of malnourished children around the world. The have been nominated to be one of the top 25 in American Express Members Project. The project is entitled “Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children.”
Let us open our hearts and share our blessings to the children around the world. And let’s help to save the lives of malnourished children

International Medical Corps Matched With Top 25 American Express Members Project, “Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children”


International Medical Corps has been matched to one of the Top 25 in American Express’ Members Projects, ‘Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children.’

Chosen out of 1,190 projects, “Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children” is now eligible to receive up to $1.5 million in funding. The project with the most votes receives $1.5 million, 2nd receives $500,000, 3rd $300,000, and 4th and 5th $100,000. The funding – made possible by your votes – would bring a vital lifeline to hungry and malnourished children around the world.

We need your help between now and September 29th. Voting is easy and doesn’t cost a thing! In just a click, you can save the lives of thousands of malnourished children. Click here to vote:

For severely malnourished children, we offer a step-by-step treatment program that gives them what they need to recover, including nutrient-dense food supplements like the peanut-based product, Plumpy'Nut. Our comprehensive monitoring system saves more than 90 percent of children being treated in our feeding centers. Being one of the Top 5 would mean our nutrition could reach more children around the world who need our help.


Hunger and malnutrition kill more people in the world than HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. As food prices rise, this funding is even more critical. More people are being driven deeper into poverty trying to afford basic staples. Many have nothing to eat at all. Your vote makes it possible for fewer young lives to be lost because they do not have enough to eat.

Getting the word out to your friends and family makes a huge difference! Forward this link to a friend and you bring us that much closer to the $1.5 million to help malnourished children around the world!

About International Medical Corps

nternational Medical Corps (IMC) is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, IMC is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide.

By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, IMC rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

Help International Medical Corps

Double your impact. Donate today. Your gift is matched before October 31st.

International Medical Corps has received a pledge of $100,000 in matching funds to provide vital health care to millions of children and families suffering in the global food crisis and other emergencies around the world. Every donation made before October 31st will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000. That means that we can double every dollar you provide, multiplying your gift and reaching more children and families who so desperately need our help.

Did you know that hunger and malnutrition kill more people than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined? As food prices soar, billions of people around the world are more vulnerable to malnutrition and severe food insecurity. Malnutrition often puts children at risk for malaria, diarrhea and respiratory infections – creating a vicious cycle. We see the impact of this emergency at our feeding sites and clinics everyday. By making a donation, you provide a lifeline
for children and families who desperately need our help.

Click here to vote:

U.S. Presidential Politics ... OMG!

McCain and Obama clashed over taxes, war and the economy in the first of three debates. The financial crisis shifted the initial focus from foreign to domestic issues.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sweet dreams!

there will always be dreams grander or humbler than your own, but there will never be a dream exactly like your own, for you are unique and more wondrous than you know, Have a nice sleep!

Run for the Impressions!

Windy Alternative

One of the fastest growing segments of the power sector, wind generation capacity is expected to more than double between 2006 and 2011 worldwide

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Your Eyes, Your Mind ... Primetime TV - Fall 2008

Settle in, fire it up, enjoy ... Primetime TV (8 -10PM) ... do you watch shows during that time, do you record some and watch others, do you record 'em? it's Primetime because advertisers not only want our eyeballs, but they want our minds ... our minds are there for them to imprint their messages upon ... our minds guide our purchases ... do you feel used, or is it OK for them to pay us by giving us the TV show?

Friday, September 19, 2008

I pray that happiness be at your door. May it knock early and leave the gift of excellent health, peace of mind and good fortune!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's TV Time 2008!

Leno's leaving Tonight, Idol is adding a fourth judge, and there are a bunch of new shows.

Monday, September 15, 2008

True friendship!

Friendship isn't based on how many secrets you share, isn't how well you get along nor how much you like each other, isn't how people see you together. But it appreciates the differences, the gaps, the hindrances, the trials, and still, a friend looks at you, straight from the heart, without hatred, without judgement, without envy, without criticisms, but only pure acceptance and respect!

How to keep someone?

Try to be perfect but don't be. Be considerate but don't tolerate. Be good but not persistent, and just love never ask.
You should never look for someone to complete you. A relationship consists of two whole individuals. Look for someone complimentary, not supplementary!
And if you really love someone, you wouldn't have the heart to hurt that person no matter what it takes. You will always find a way to make her/him happy, because that is what constitutes love among people. You are overjoyed when you see her/him happy. That is true love. Seeing happiness in her/his eyes is enough to prove what love is!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Top Five Music

The Top Five shows us the most poular music ... so, what is popular music?
From "Popular music is music belonging to any of a number of musical styles that are accessible to the general public and are disseminated by one or more of the mass media."

Saturday, September 13, 2008

close the night with a thankful heart, let all your tiredness be washed out, think for a moment and praise GOD for everything HE has done to us! , orkut ascii designed scraps , glitter graphics

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Talk it up!

We wave our arms, we inflect our tone, we reach out, we open our eyes, we lean in ... we do a lot of things to get our message across ... and then when we send a text message we abbreviate -- "OMG PAW KYFC" ... does our real message, our real intent, really get across to our online friends?

They, (whomever 'They' are) say that a picture speaks a thousand words ... hmmmm, maybe if we could combine text and pics, our messages would be more complete ... and a lot more fun.

Is that what a movie producer does, takes a text message and adds pics? How often have you read a book, then seen a movie and come out of the movie saying "that's exactly what the author meant" ... or "not exactly" ... the written word is powerful in the hands of powerful writers, but even that is left open to our interpretation.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

dNeero-ites want to know!

Questions in this convo come from the User Questions asked in our last five convos. Our peeps continue to amaze us with their insight into the core of dNeero conversations ... keep it going!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

If your hearts gets broken, it is not a sin to cry, it is not a crime to mourn, but it is not right to ruin your own life. Because in love, you should know when to move on if there's no reason to hold on.

Friday, September 5, 2008

What about dNeero?

Now that you've taken at least fifteen Social Surveys from dNeero, we'd like to ask you about your dNeero experience, and your suggestions for dNeero's future.

Happy talkie, talkie ... Visual Talking

"What the heck are you saying?" Ever heard that before? Maybe Visual Talking can help. It's like the Twitter of PowerPoint presentations. Combine words and pictures to communicate -- it's that simple.

In your user question please consider asking something about a current event and how/if VT would apply, e.g., "Should the Olympic athletes use VT to help communicate?" or "Now that Britney has her bod back, should we send her VT messages to get her to quit smoking?" or "Should Homeland security include VT as part of their interagency communications package?"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2008 Movies

Good year? Bad year? Who really cares ... we just want some entertainment ... to get out of the home, have the lights go down, see the upcoming trailers, be told to turn off our cells, and then settle in to having the big screen take over for a couple of hours.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The law of nature

The law of the seed:
Most seeds never grow. For 1 apple tree to bear 500 apples, you need 10 seeds. In life, this principle might mean you'll need to attend 20 interviews to get 1 job, and talk to 50 people to sell 1 house, meet 1000 acquaintances to have 1 special person. If we really want to make things happen, we usually need to try more than once. That's the law of nature!